Stolen Dog Reunited with Owner Using Home Alarm System
There’s no secret that burglars steal cash, jewelry, electronics, guns, and prescription drugs from homes. Any non-cash items can usually be turned into cash quickly and easily, which is what the thieves are really after.
A report I just read from Culver City, California shows that there is one other thing that a burglar may take: pets.
A dog that was stolen during a residential robbery has been returned to his owner. On Friday evening, KCAL9 reported about Savvy, a missing 10-year-old Sheltie who had been stolen from Melissa Henning’s Culver City home. The dog was stolen along with her property but she made an emotional plea for the return of the dog.
For many people it’s hard to understand why someone would steal a pet – after all, plenty of pets are considered family members, and the loss of a cherished household companion can be a significant emotional blow.
Then again, it’s hard to relate to the impulse that drives burglars to break into your home in the first place.
I Have Dogs Too
I know personally just how important pets can be to a family. We moved to DC in 2006, and my wife insisted that we set up at least the fire monitoring portion of our alarm system immediately – as she was quick to point out, our two dogs did not dial 911 very well, and we were both out of the house all day.
I have also posted on pets and alarm systems, referencing fire monitoring, and also pet-immune motion detectors, the kind that Frontpoint provides.
What To Do When Your Pet is Stolen
Pet owners are increasingly using a micro-chip that is embedded under the pet’s skin as a tracking device and these can be very useful.
Here’s a link to information on this technology, and some background:
Microchips have been particularly useful in the return of lost pets. They can also assist where the ownership of an animal is in dispute. Animal shelters and animal control centers benefit using microchip identification products by more quickly and efficiently returning pets to their owners. Microchipping is becoming standard at shelters: many require all outplaced animals to receive a microchip, and provide the service as part of the adoption package. Animal-control officers are trained and equipped to scan animals. In addition to shelters and veterinarians, microchips are used by kennels, breeders, brokers, trainers, registries, rescue groups, human societies, clinics, farms, stables, animal clubs and associations, researchers, and pet stores.
For pet owners, these stories are frightening to read. And of course, the best way to deter a burglar in the first place is with a monitored home alarm system.
If the perps are not scared away by the loud siren, then the police will be dispatched and deal with them. More and more homes are choosing peace of mind with a home alarm, and that’s where a reliable alarm system can help.